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Active - Passive Voice - Exercise 4

Directions: Change each passive voice sentence into the active voice. Type your new sentences into the boxes below each item. When you are finished, hit the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

1.  The television was purchased by a young man as a Father's Day gift.

2.  A colorful blanket for the new baby was knitted by a family friend.

3.  Three finalists will be given prizes by the film festival judges tonight.

4.  Peter Rabbit has been told by his mother not to play in Mr. McGregor's garden.

5.  The mittens were lost by the three little kittens.

6.  Sally and I were treated to an old blues tune by the pianist while we ate.

7.  The man was rescued by a mysterious woman in a cape.

8.  Ella complains that she is always given a million excuses by her daughter.

9.  In this picture, my brother is being given a violin lesson by our cousin, Jessica.

10.  When the bread arrived, it was gobbled down by the hungry guests.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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